
Tang Is a sweet three year-old boy who lost his home because his owner had to go toassisted-living. He’s good with people, but needs to be an only cat

Ready or not here I come! Let’s hit the road!

I’m a handsome, orange and white tabby boy who’s patiently waiting to meet a forever family. I’m three years old and I’ve been a house cat my whole life. My owner had to go to assisted living and she could no longer take care of me. I’m hoping for a quiet home with adults who will love and care for me. I prefer a home with no other cats as I am used to that situation and I would like to be your one and only. Meet me today and let’s fall in love.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Miata is a one year-old girl who was found on I 95. She’s very sweet and loves people, but she would prefer being an only cat. She needs an active home with young adults.

Come on in and get ‘Miata’ here – I wanna be all yours!

I was trying to find myself a home but somehow I wound up on I 95. I made it to the median and then I was afraid to do anything but wait for help. But, fortunately someone came along and took me to safety. I am a sweet kitty and I am only about a year old. I really must be an only cat but that’s OK-I’m so awesome you won’t need anyone else but me.

Great news!! !My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

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