
Greg is a senior boy who needs lots of TLC. He is good with people of all ages and needs a home where he will be cared for and loved.

Come take a chance on me – I’m worth every purr!

I am sweet senior boy who looks a little rough around the edges. But never mind my somewhat shaggy appearance just spend a few minutes with me and you’ll see that I am a friendly and loving boy. I’m looking for a quiet home where I can get all the TLC I need. In return, I will be your faithful forever friend. I am ready to meet you today-so don’t wait! Let’s start our life together now.

Great news! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fees.


Jimmy is a sweet two-year-old boy looking for a brand new start. He gets along with people of all ages I would do best as an only Pet.

I’m waiting by the window hoping to meet you soon.

I’m a sweet and friendly two-year-old boy looking to start over. I had a home but my owners abandoned me, and now I need someone to love. I get along great with people of all ages but I would do best as an only pet. Stop by and meet me, and I’m sure you will want to take me home .

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Cosmo is a handsome two-year-old boy who lost his home when his owner could no longer care for him.
He’s great with people and gets along well with other cats.

Wouldn’t you like to look at this handsome face every day? All you need to do is take me home!
Besides being handsome, I’m also quite loving and very affectionate. I’ve been a house cat ever since I was a kitten and I can’t wait to have a home again soon. I’m FIV positive but it’s no big deal-I don’t need medication or special food and I will live a normal lifespan. I would love a home where I could be loved and cared for and in return I will give you all my love forever. Meet me today and let’s fall in love!

Great news!!My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Mr. T

Mr. T is a middle-aged sweetheart looking for a home as an only pet. He’s great with people but tends to be a bully with other cats so he would be much better on his own as your one and only.

i’m a handsome middle ager looking for a place to call home. I’m very affectionate with people of all ages but I can be a little bossy with other cats so I need to be an only pet. I would love a calm home with adults or older kids. I like to watch the world from a screen porch, but I also enjoy cuddling with my favorite humans. i’m hoping to find a forever family soon- so meet me and take me home.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


T I Is a gentle and loving boy who was adopted from us as a youngster nine years ago. At some point his owner abandoned him and he was living on his own when he was found. He’s super sweet and gentle and would make a lovely companion in a home with middle-agers or seniors.

I’m a super sweet senior boy who was adopted from the shelter as a youngster nine years ago. Unfortunately my owner abandoned me and I had to live on my own for a while. I’m very loving and I have excellent manners. I’m a little shy around other cats but I’m getting used to shelter life. I would really love a calm adult home with lots of TLC. I’m hoping to meet the family I can spend the rest of my life with. Is it you?

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee


Ty, Sasha and Sadie are three siblings who don’t look much alike. They are playful and sweet but they are a little shy. They need a home with adults or older kids where they can get lots of TLC. They can be adopted separately or together.

Omne trium perfectum – This Latin phrase means:
“Everything that comes in threes is perfect”.

We are three siblings who don’t look much alike. I am Ty-a flame point Siamese mix boy, and my sisters are Sasha-a Torbie, and Sadie-a Siamese mix. We are about nine months old and we are very playful. We’ve lived in a home all our lives, but we are a little shy and need a patient adult home with lots of TLC. We can be adopted together or separately. With a little patience, we each have the potential to be a great family cat. Don’t wait! Meet us today.

Great news!! Our guardian angel has paid our adoption fee.


Stache is a sweet young adult boy who came to us from a difficult life in South Florida. He has gradually learned to trust us and it’s now very loving and sweet. He is FIV positive but is in good health and ready to find a loving home

I absolutely ‘mustache’ you to give me belly rubs please – purr!

I am a sweet young adult boy who came from a difficult life in South Florida. I was very standoffish at first but now I trust my caregivers and I let them pet me and even rub my belly. I would love to find a real home where I could feel safe and loved forever. I am FIV positive but I am not contagious to you and I don’t need any special medicine or special food. All I need is love. Meet me and take me home.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Cinnamon and Sugar

Cinnamon and Sugar are a sister/brother bonded pair who are super sweet and fluffy. They are perfect family cats.

Beautiful and sweet-a great combination!

We are Cinnamon and Sugar-a sister/brother combination who need to find a home together. We are very sweet and very fluffy so experience with long-haired cats is a must! We love to be brushed and enjoy human affection. We’re only a year and a half old so we’re still playful. We’re very bonded and we love to spend time together whether cuddling or interacting with our new roommates at the shelter.
If you’ve got room for two meet us and take us home.

Great news!! Our Guardian angel has paid our adoption fee.

Mr. Sunshine

Mr. Sunshine is a lovable 10-year-old boy who loves people. He’s ready to move in And brighten up your life.

You are my ‘sunshine,’ my only ‘sunshine!’ – Come on sing along with me!

There’s a line from a song which says “Good morning Mr. Sunshine -you brighten up my day.” If you take me home I promise to brighten up every day for you. I’m a 10 year old boy who was found with an injury to my face. Now I’m all better and ready to love you. I get along with other cats and I’d love a quiet home with middle-agers like myself. Spend some time with me and you will see that I am the perfect cat for you. Adopt me and you’ll have no more lonely days.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Mr Hippo

Mr. Hippo is a sweet young adult boy who is found with an injury to his face. he’s a very sweet boy who would do well in a home as an only cat.

Let me be your little, loveable, loyal kitty boy! Purr!

I’m a very sweet boy who’s had a very rough life. When my rescuer found me my face was badly injured, but kind people helped me to get better and now I’m ready to meet a forever family. I’m very sweet and loving and I get along with other cats. I like to wrestle with my new feline roommates, but I am really hoping for a home of my own very soon. I am FIV positive but it’s no big deal. I’ll have a normal lifespan and I don’t need any special medication or special food. Meet me today and let’s fall in love.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Ronnie is a handsome nine month old boy who is ready to find a home of his own. He would do best In a calm adult home .

Well hello there, I’ve been waiting just for you!

I’m a handsome nine month old boy who is finally getting comfortable with shelter life which is the next step is finding a home of my own.

I was found as a stray by a good Samaritan who said that I was coming to her yard every night to ask for food. Once I got to the shelter I was very shy and I had to learn how to trust people. I’m happy to say that now when someone comes into my room I love to be petted and I love playing with my feline roommates.
I would be perfect in a calm adult home and would enjoy life with another nonaggressive cat where I can feel safe and loved. Please stop by and meet me and give me a chance.


Tom is a handsome young adult Who gets along great with people and other cats. He needs an active adult home

If you’re looking for a nice guy look no farther-it’s me!

Do nice guys really finish last? I sure hope not because I’m a nice guy and I’m hoping the end of my story will be a loving home. I never had a home to call my own but a nice family in Miami took care of me for a while until they could get me to a rescue. I get along with other cats and enjoy affection from my caregivers. I’m hoping that someday soon someone will notice me and give me a chance. I am FIV positive but I don’t need any special medicine or special food and I’m not contagious. I would do best in an active adult home where I can get the TLC I crave.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Gigi and Wes

Wes and Gigi are a 12-year-old pair who have been at the shelter most of their lives. Not very social, they found each other and are very bonded. They would be able to live in a quiet home where they could be together.

A ‘purrfect’ pair waiting just for you!

We are Gigi and Wes-a couple of lifelong residents at the shelter who found each other many years ago and who became a bonded pair. We are very sweet but have always been a little shy with people. We love each other though and want to stay together. When we are separated from each other we get very depressed. We are 12 years old and we would love to find a mature home where we could live out our golden years together. We found each other-now all we need to do is find a home. If you would like to give us a chance please stop by and meet us.

Great news!! Our guardian angel has paid our adoption fee.

Sampson (FeLV)

Sampson is a young long-haired boy who lost his home because he had feline leukemia. He would love a real home again soon and he’s very good with people and other cats.

I’m a handsome nine month old boy who spent my first months in a home of my own. Unfortunately when I owner found out that I had feline leukemia I had to leave because she had other cats. I get along with other cats but I really miss my home and I would love to have a real home again soon. Meet me and give me a chance to be your special baby.
Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Spirit is a sweet, seven-year-old Russian blue mix boy who’s looking for a brand new start. His owner went to heaven and he is ready to love you.

In a cat’s eyes, all things belong to cats. Be mine! -Anonymous

I am a handsome Russian blue mix boy looking for a brand new start. My owner went to heaven and now I have to find someone new to love. I’m seven years old and I’ve been a house cat my whole life. I have excellent manners and I would be happiest in a calm adult home with some middle-aged folks like me. I’m waiting to meet you so stop by and let’s fall in love.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Leo the Lover

Leo the Lover is a handsome middle-age boy who’s looking for a home of his own. He is FIP positive and he gets along great with people of all ages

Can you see all the love in my eyes? Let ‘meow’ be yours!

With a name like Leo the lover you know I have to be sweet! I’m a two-year-old boy who gets along great with people of all ages and other cats, too. I was found by a good Samaritan because I kept trying to run into her house. I’m ready to go home with you and I have good house manners. I am positive for FIV, but it’s no big deal. I am in excellent health and I will have a normal lifespan. I would love a home of my own. So meet me today and let’s fall in love.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.

Inky and Henrietta

Nikki and Henrietta are bonded pair of eight month old kittens who need a home together. They would do best in adult home or home with older kids.

Would like a kitty hug too? We can certainly share – so come a little closer!

I am Inky – the handsome black guy -and that’s my beautiful sister Henrietta with me. As you can see, we are very close, and we’re looking for a home together. We’re kind of shy with people so we need a quiet home with adults or older kids. We would do best in a dog -free home, as well. We are only eight months old and we’re hoping to meet a special someone who can give us all the TLC we need. Meet us today -we are ready to love you.

Great news!! Our guardian angel has paid our adoption fee.

Luka (FeLV)

Luka is a handsome youngster Who came from the south Florida area. He is positive for feline leukemia, but he still hoping for a home where he can be loved.

Come on in and take a ‘Luka’ at me! I want to be your little snuggle muffin!

I’m a handsome boy who came all the way from Miami to find a home. I’m only about a year old and I’m very friendly with people. Unfortunately, I am positive for the feline leukemia virus which means my life expectancy will not be as long as other cats. I know that lots of leukemia cats have been going home lately from the shelter and I’m hoping I will be lucky as well! If you don’t have other cats, or if you have dogs, I can safely live in your home. Consider taking me home and I promise to love you forever.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Martini is a handsome one year year-old who never had a real home of his own. He needs an owner with patience and understanding to help him learn to trust.

I am soooo handsome and want to be all yours.

I’m a one-year-old boy who never had a home to call my own. A good Samaritan fed me for a while when I was a youngster and then she got me a safe place to live at the shelter. I’m gradually becoming more trusting of the people here and I hope someday to have a home where I can receive the patience, understanding and love to become the good companion I know that I could be. Please adopt me and give me a chance.
Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Charlie A 16 year-old boy Who was found on his own in Miami. He is positive for FIV but is otherwise good health, and he was obviously a former house cat. He would love a home could spend his golden years with a family.

Don’t look any further, I’ll happily be your golden boy! Purr!

I am a 16-year-old boy, who was found on my own in Miami. I’ve been a house cat, my whole life, and I would love to spend my golden years with a family. I am positive for FIV but I am otherwise in good health. I’m good with other cats, but I would prefer to be an only pet. I hope you will give me a chance.
Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Teddy is a sweet six month old boy, who was very shy when he came to the shelter as a kitten. He would do best in a calm adult home with other cats.

Just looking for some love and tenderness and I’m all yours!

I’m a sweet six-month-old boy who was very shy when I came to the shelter three months ago. I get along great with other cats but sometimes I am nervous around new people. I’m very good with people who take care of me at the shelter, and I follow them around for pets. I’m trying to get used to new people and I’m doing better. I need a quiet home with adults who will give me a chance to be their companion. I know that I can be. I have a lot of love to give and I want to give it all to you. Meet me and take me home.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Twix is a talkative 14 year-old boy who loves to cuddle on your lap. He would be happy in a home as an only pet and where he could get lots of TLC.

I’m just a cozy bundle of love waiting for you!

I am a handsome senior boy who loves to talk and sit on your lap. I’m very cuddly and I’ve been a house cat my whole life. I need to have a home as an only pet because even though I’m 14 years old I still want to be king of the castle. I’m hoping to find a home where I can spend my golden years with a family who loves me. Meet me today and take me home.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee


Marco is a cute one year old boy looking for an active home with young adults or older kids. He’s ready to be your new best friend

Let’s play a game – you say my name over and over and I’ll come closer and closer and then we will go home together!

Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you come and meet me and take me home with you? We can have lots of fun at your house playing with toys, snuggling, watching TV together- you know all the things us cats like to do with our humans. I’m a one year old boy looking for a forever home. I would be good with older kids and active adults. I’m waiting for your call so let’s get together soon!

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid my adoption fee.


Smoky is a handsome Russian blue mix boy who needs to be an only pet.

This is my favorite sunny spot at the shelter but I’d love a perfect spot at your home!

I’m a handsome Russian blue mix boy who would love to be your one and only pet. I’m very affectionate and I truly love time on the screened porch. I am FIV positive but it’s no big deal. I don’t need special medicine or special food and I will have a normal lifespan. I’m ready to meet you so let’s fall in love today!

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid by adoption fee.

Tim Tim (FeLV)

Tim Tim is a friendly young male who was found as a stray. He would love a quiet home. He is FeLV positive so he would need to be with other feline leukemia positive cats or in a home with no other cats.

Just a loving buddle of fluff waiting for you to scoop me up!

I’m a handsome boy who is only about a year old. I was found as a stray and unfortunately I was living outside and contracted feline leukemia. I’m great with people and I get along with all the other leukemia positive cats in my building. My lifespan won’t be as long as other cats, but I would love a quiet home where I could love and be loved.

Great news!! My guardian angel has paid by adoption fee.

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