Being a non-profit no kill animal shelter is no easy task. Ask any of the number of volunteers who assist Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. on a regular basis. Money is always tight, help is sometimes short. Every donation whether its a can of food or as simple as a dollar bill is always accepted with grace and humility on behalf of the dogs and cats entrusted to the care of the shelter.
One such volunteer in 2013 stands out. Liz Levanti, a sixteen year old sophomore at Lincoln Park Academy in Ft. Pierce started a donation drive for the animals at Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. As part of her curriculum in the International Baccalaureate program offered through the school, Liz volunteered at Dogs and Cats Forever throughout the summer and fall of 2013. She took pictures of dogs and cats, started a Facebook page to keep people updated on the status of the fund drive and also displayed pictures in her mothers salon.
Liz raised more then $3500 in cash and donated goods to assist the animals at Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc.
It’s not everyday a person walks through the front door and donates such a significant amount of money and items. Its not every day a sixteen year old high school sophomore does it when her peers are spending the summers and weekends at the movies and beach.
Today Dogs and Cats Forever recognizes Liz for her fantastic achievements with a pizza lunch. Oh did I mention Liz is spending a portion of her spring break volunteering at the shelter? She is.

Liz, on behalf of all the animals at Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. we thank you for your hard work and selfless dedication to this organization. The animals and staff are very proud of you and know you will continue to succeed and go far in life with the attitude you have.
The animals and staff of Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. thanks all the volunteers and community who donate to the organization whether its time, money, goods and services.