Golf Tournament Success!

The Dogs & Cats Forever Golf Tournament was held Saturday, April 20th. Thanks to Chris, Maureen and their wonderful staff at St. James Golf Club, advertising provided by “Your Voice” and “Hometown News”, our twenty-four hole sponsors and our silent auction sponsors, the event was a huge success.IMG_4737

Our sponsors for the silent auction were:

Fusion Salon
Legacy Country Club
The Bug Guys
Evergreen Country Club
St. James Golf Club
Brett Cook, Sports Medicine Instructor

Thank you to:

Mickeys Restaurant in Ft. Pierce
Margo Street
Marisol’s Photography
Patti Mansfeild
Susan Lieberman

Hole sponsors:

Appel Accounting – Tax Solutions
DMR Consulting Service
Hometown News
Your Voice
The Tin Fish Tradition
Richard Gemelli – Cruise One
River Place on the St. Lucie HOA
Farmer Irwin Corporation – Alan D. Long
Brenda Weber -Medicare Insurance
Dimilia Nancy Ouellette
Polly John Scheuten
Bob Sue Polakow
Pre-Owned Homes, LLC
Sisters Too, Unique Home Furnishing
Madison Estate Gallery Boutique
Lenny Agin – Affordable Floors
School Development Group
Regency Dental – Dr. Joseph C. Catuogno, DDS
Floresta Pharmacy Convenience Store
Bella Roma Italian Market Bakery
Marisol’s Photography
Bill and Caroline Knudsen
Apicella Family
Cutting Edge

First, second and third place plaques were graciously donated by Cutting Edge.

A field of 78 golfers enjoyed a great day of golf, lunch and prizes. As a result of our great field of golfers, our sponsors and event host, Mary Ann and her great volunteers, Julie, Maureen, Caroline, Danielle and Jane, the event brought in $4,100.00 for Dogs & Cats Forever, Inc., a No-Kill animal shelter.

Dog Training

If you’re going to teach a dog tricks why not teach them useful tricks? Check out Just Jesse the Jack and his useful dog tricks.

You can also head over to Just Jesse the Jack and show his Facebook page some love.

Click link——–> Just Jesse the Jack

It goes to show you, not only can a dog be man’s best friend but with a little patience and love your dog can really help you out around the house too!


Another Dogs and Cats Forever Success

HostsThanks to the most gracious hosts, Jack & Ceejay Heckenberg (pictured here with Jim and Vita Marie Torres), the fundraiser held at their home on Sunday, March 24th  brought in $13,580.00 for Dogs & Cats Forever, Inc. a no kill animal shelter in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Dogs and Cats Board of Directors
Dogs and Cats Forever Board of Directors (not pictured Susan Moore)

One hundred and seventy-two guests dined on appetizers from sponsors such as Cuisine256, OooLaLa Catering, Tutto Fresco, and many more. Beverages were provided by Southern Eagle Distributors. Top notch entertainment consisted of “All Around Entertainment for You” with Melissa & Rich. The flowers donated by St. Lucie Florist graced the tables that were donated by Eventmakers. Our volunteer bartenders were Chris Dobek and Jimmy Tresco, our wait staff Jackie Massaro, and Melissa Reese. Our Photographer & Artist, Karla Smith drove up from Boca Raton to capture the event. Additional photography was provided by Marisol Guntkowski.

Every guest went home with a “Doggie Bag” provided by PrimeK9Cuisine of Miami and BoneAppetit out of Casselberry, Florida.

The committee chairs, Kathy DiChiara, Fran Fernandes, Angela Gardella, Mich Moeding, and Amy Vanderbreggen’s teamwork was evident at this function. Everything went off with out a hitch. Let’s not forget the volunteers Porcha Beneditti, MaryLou Flynn, Judy Marchionni, Hilda Rosa and Jan Zeek. None of their husbands got off easy either, they were put to work behind the scenes.

All and all the hard work paid off because it was a tremendous success!

Nutri-Vet LLC Recalls Chicken Jerky Products

Just a fast FYI.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 20, 2013 – Nutri-Vet, LLC. of Boise, ID is voluntarily recalling its Nutri-Vet and NutriPet Chicken Jerky Products because they may be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella can sicken animals that eat these products and humans are at risk for Salmonella poisoning from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the pet products or any surfaces exposed to these products.

Link to recall here: Nuti-Vet_Recall PDF for easy printing

Link to FDA website detailing recall: Nutri-Vet Recall


Charity Golf Tournament

GolfFlyer Mark your calendars and get your foursomes together!

When: Saturday April 20th, 2013
Where: St. James Golf Club, Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Time: 7:00 AM registration, 8:00AM Shotgun Start
Cost: $75.00 per person / $280 per foursome (price includes lunch, prizes, favors, green fees and golf cart)
Contact: Mary Ann Russell 954-830-8368

A portion of each fee is tax deductible and will go to the Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. animal shelter to support the animals.

Don’t miss this opportunity for some excellent golf, and a chance to support some very deserving dogs and cats.

Click the Reservation form below, Save and Print. Mail your completed forms and checks made payable to Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. to:

Dogs and Cats Forever
C/O Mary Ann Russell
555 SW Sanctuary Drive
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986


Awesome Cocktail Party Don’t Miss!

Save Sunday, March 24th for an exciting cocktail party (5:00-7:00pm) at ” Villa Laguna” in Sewell’s Pointe (Stuart).

Jack & Ceejay Heckenberg are graciously lending their home to Dogs and Cats Forever. The home (homes) sit on 7 1/2 acres on the wide St. Lucie River. This property has spectacular views of lagoons, fountains, pools, and river!

This is an event not to be missed! Space is limited and there will only be 200 guests allowed. One of our food sponsors is OOOLaLa Catering in Stuart.
The cost is $60.00 per person

Photo is – Jack Heckenberg in front of his home with one of his pampered poodles.

For more information: contact Angela Gardella
Email Angela
772 345-5171

Cocktail Party

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